An Exciting Announcement

Yes. Really

Hey y’all! Happy August!

My apologies for how long I’ve gone without posting anything. Suffice it to say that my life has been a bit ... busier than usual. I hope to have some more (oh-so-fun) blog posts about my old writing in the future.

In the meantime, let’s get to what my title’s all about.

Drumroll, please 🥁 …

I can’t believe I’m saying this, but ... I’ve self-published a book! The links (along with the info) will be listed below. If you have a chance to check it out, I’d really appreciate it. And if you’re not interested (and you know someone who might be), please share it with them! The more people that hear about this, the better.

Anyway. As promised, here are the links:

Universal Book Link (will allow you to use your preferred vendor):

LeanPub Link (a really cool independent platform that pays authors more royalties):

I’ll be publishing the paperback version next month, if all goes well. My life is about to get incredibly busy, so we’ll see 🤷‍♀️.

One last thing! If you do read the book and like it (or even if you don’t!), I’d really appreciate you posting a review on whichever platform you bought it from. It helps other people find the book, and it’s a nice little boost for the author 😃.

Until next time,



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